8 Dermatologist Approved Tips To Help An Oily T Zone

Before we begin, a quick skin care lesson: The T-zone involves an area of the face that spans the forehead and down the bridge of the nose, ending at the chin. (Mentally draw a capital T across your face, and you get the idea.) The area produces more oil for a very simple reason: It has more oil glands. Even if you have dry skin, you’ll likely produce more oil in this area versus on other parts of your face....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 219 words · Paul Shoemaker

8 Of The Best Vitamin Supplements For Strong Healthy Nails

Experts agree: “Your nails are made of proteins and naturally need a lot of vitamins,” Amy Lin, the founder of sundays, a nail care brand focused on wellness, once told us about how to strengthen nails. In fact, they’re made mostly of keratin. So while you can massage in a cuticle oil (as you should!) or commit to monthly maintenance, sometimes the best method for shiny, smooth nails is to go internal....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 347 words · Kara Welch

8 Ways A Narcissist Isolates You

My story of geographical isolation echoes those of other women who have been involved with narcissists. But what if you’re around a sophisticated narcissist who plays his game slowly and subtly, so you lose your sense of reality and identity, and they start to dictate your life? Here’s how to recognize the clever ways a narcissist isolates you. He told tales about his exes, family members, and business partners cheating or abandoning him, justifying it with, “You know my history, that’s why I get paranoid, and that’s why you can’t do this....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 441 words · Karen Alston

9 Derm Approved Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff The Root Cause

So first, let’s dive into what exactly dandruff is. Then how you can better keep it under control with the correct lifestyle changes, products, hair care tips, and so on. “Dandruff causes an itchy, flaky scalp. Also known as seborrheic dermatitis, a form of eczema, it is caused by a yeast, Malassezia furfur,” says board-certified dermatologist Raechele Cochran Gathers, M.D. “The malassezia yeast is common, and people with seborrheic dermatitis are just a little more sensitive to it....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 750 words · Anthony Casper

9 Ingredients That Shouldn T Be In Protein Powder

A quality protein drink made with nutrient-dense ingredients (and lots of whole foods) can benefit your health in a number of ways. Protein is an essential macronutrient with many critical roles in health, from metabolism and hormone production to immunity, to name a few. Protein is also a key nutrient for healthy skin and lean, toned muscles. It’s important you choose the right protein powder that suits your needs and that supports your nutritional needs and overall health....

January 22, 2023 · 8 min · 1637 words · Jody Conklin

A Full Guide To Vermicomposting Benefits Steps More

The differences lie in the amount of time the two processes take, how and where they’re done, and what their end results are. “One of the biggest advantages of vermicomposting is that worm compost often has a much higher nutrient content than traditional compost,” adds Matt Eddleston, a gardener with over 20 years of experience and founder of Gardening Vibe. Composting also requires more physical activity because you need to layer the compost pile and turn it often, about once a week....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 603 words · Loretta Tenbusch

A Healthy Pumpkin Bread Recipe With Bonus Nutrients

Pumpkin season comes only once a year, so we want to eat as much pumpkin bread as we can, as often as we can, before the season passes. Too greedy? Maybe so, but registered dietitian Maggie Michalczyk, R.D., made that dream possible when she developed this healthier veggie-packed pumpkin bread recipe. It’s nutritious enough to enjoy for breakfast or dessert, without an unwanted blood sugar crash.* “Not only is pumpkin packed with nutrition like vitamins A, C, E and potassium and fiber, but the addition of mbg organic veggies+ gives each slice a veggie, fiber, and probiotic boost,”* Michalczyk says....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 266 words · Helene Hudley

A Parasympathetic Breathing Exercise To Calm Your Mind Body

The parasympathetic system, on the other hand, controls your rest, relax, and digest response. When the parasympathetic system is dominant, your breathing slows, your heart rate drops, your blood pressure lowers, and your body is guided back into a state of calm and healing. Putting your body in a parasympathetic state is easier than you might think; it just takes a slight manipulation of the breath. A Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 173 words · Mary Ferguson

A Ritual Bath Recipe To Help You Find Stillness Inner Peace

This global pandemic we’re facing, as well as the repercussions of it, means we are being challenged in ways we never could have imagined. No one could have expected that this level of change would be upon us at this time, so no one knows the “right” answers. We have to draw on the empowerment of patience, presence, and perseverance to navigate the changes at hand. In other words, we have to be our own healers....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 92 words · Melissa Lynch

A Tantra Meditation To Enhance Your Love Life

Many people are now turning to Tantra as a lifestyle practice. But beyond Tantra being a codeword for some kind of sexual marathon that Sting jokingly claimed to enjoy, what exactly is it? At its essence, Tantra is a practice that combines movement, breath, meditation and sound, to assist the Chakra energy system within the body to open. This opening allows dormant energy, known as Kundalini, to move up from the pelvis, along the spine....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 809 words · Michael Warr

Anxious Preoccupied Attachment Signs Causes How To Heal

If these insecurities are a common theme in your dating life, you may be struggling with an anxious preoccupied attachment style. The attachment theory outlines four attachment styles we all fall into: secure, avoidant, anxious, or fearful-avoidant. While these attachment styles are initially built in childhood, the behaviors are elastic and can shift over time depending on life experiences, relationship patterns, and personal growth. Here’s an overview of each style: “This leads the anxiously attached person to often feel uneasy about relationships despite a strong desire to feel intimately connected,” licensed mental health counselor Jor-El Caraballo, LMHC, tells mbg....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 474 words · Debbie Graham

Biotin Collagen How These Supplements Work Together

One of the more common questions we tend to get is what supplement ingredients play well together. Well, that comes down to two additional questions. The second is do they work toward a common health support goal or even synergistically to help each other be more effective and bioavailable? Well, certain actives tend to be common supplement duos, as is the case with collagen and biotin. So let’s get into how and why they’re formulated together....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 823 words · Cynthia Maia

Break Free Of Toxic People With This Cord Cutting Exercise

We can have cords to places as well. Perhaps you were not happy in the city you lived in, so you moved to a new one. Things have started well, but after the first few months, you find certain patterns repeating themselves, even if there is no good reason. For example, you used to feel nervous walking home at night alone in your city, but now you live somewhere very safe and friendly, but you still keep doing the same things you did to feel safe walking alone....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 736 words · Diana Hansbrough

Calm App Review 2023 A Meditation App That S Worth The Cost

I’ve had meditation experiences ranging from full-day, in-person meditation retreats, learning from meditation teachers over Zoom, and using other apps like Headspace and Insight Timer. Even for someone like me with quite a bit of experience with meditating, the Calm app helped strengthen my mindfulness toolbox to effectively get me through my week. The Calm app was founded in 2012 by Alex Tew and Michael Acton Smith. According to an Inc....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 581 words · James Rimbey

Cat Cow How To Do It Tips Modifications Benefits Of The Pose

If you deal with back pain, especially from frequent sitting, this is a great pose to help relieve some of that tension, especially because it’s simple enough to do anytime. And if you feel like you’re in need of a breather, pairing breath with the gentle movement of cat-cow can be very relaxing, making it great as a cool-down stretch as well as a warm-up. The bottom line is, whether you incorporate cat-cow in your yoga practice or take a few rounds whenever your back starts feeling stiff, this simple pose is beginner-friendly, quick, and super effective, making it a staple in yoga studios everywhere....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 105 words · Joel Mitchell

Collagen Types The Important Differences Between I Ii Iii

To support their collagen levels, people often reach for collagen supplements, which are used for skin, hair, joint, and bone health.* When choosing a collagen—be it grass-fed bovine or marine—you should look for what types of collagen it contains to see if it matches up with your needs. If you’re taking a collagen supplement, you’re getting type I collagen. However, most collagen supplements contain two types of collagen in them: those being type II and III....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 326 words · Donna Dalton

Concentric Vs Eccentric Fitness Trainers Explain The Difference

“In an exercise that involves a range of motion—not a static hold like a plank—the muscles undergo a shortening and lengthening phase,” says fitness trainer BB Arrington, NASM-CPT. “The shortening phase is called the concentric phase, the lengthening or lowering phase is called the eccentric phase.” In the concentric stage, your muscle is shortening, says Danielle Gray, NASM-CPT, and founder of Train Like a Gymnast. Some examples of this motion include pressing yourself off the ground during a pushup, standing up, and extending your arms overhead....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 333 words · Mark Halbrook

Daily Harvest Review 2023 A Convenient Plant Based Meal Service

Altogether, the brand offers more than 100 fruit-and-veggie-based items. Each recipe is developed with the help of chefs and nutritionists and never contains dairy or gluten. Plus, the short ingredient lists—which are boldly printed on the label—never contain additives, preservatives, or fillers. A huge perk? The brand sends a text every Sunday morning to remind you to customize or skip that week’s delivery. As someone who often forgets about updating or canceling my subscriptions, I love this little attention to detail....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 847 words · Shirley Henderson

Does Protein Make You Gain Weight What Experts Want You To Know

We spoke with nutrition experts to help answer all your protein and weight gain questions. “Eating protein earlier in the day, such as at breakfast, increases satiety,” says Don Layman, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “The main effects on appetite appear to be reduced snacking between meals and at night.” Gabrielle Lyon, D.O., a functional medicine physician and the founder of the Institute for Muscle-Centric Medicine, tells mindbodygreen, “Protein can stabilize your blood sugar by preventing insulin spikes....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 758 words · Arthur Downey

Emotional Incest What It Is Signs Examples More

With emotional incest, the child is used by the adult for emotional fulfillment. In other words, the child is forced to support the abusive adult by serving as a trusted confidante or an “emotional spouse.” Although there is no direct sexual touch, these emotional enmeshment relationships have a sexualized undertone, with the parent expressing overly graphic interest in the child’s physical development and sexual characteristics or betraying the child’s boundaries through invasions of privacy, sexualized conversations, and the like....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 296 words · Jacob Ortega