10 Popular Wellness Practices That Have Roots In Ayurveda

Ayurvedic values can be applied to every aspect of life—from physical health to mental well-being, beauty rituals, and diet. “The literal definition of ayur is ’life’ and veda is ‘knowledge,’” ayurvedic health counselor and Yoga Medicine instructor Cristina Kuhn tells mbg. “[It] is the knowledge of life or the knowledge of how to maintain health in daily life and therefore support longevity.” Here are 10 modern well-being practices that actually stem from this ancient mind-body medicine....

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 907 words · Paul Mccormick

10 Science Backed Supplements That Help With Dry Skin

Sure, adding heavier creams and moisturizers can be helpful, but skin care ultimately begins from the inside. You can support healthy moisture levels internally with the right kind of supplements.* Evidence for some supplements can be anecdotal, but there is also plenty of research that suggests these are absolutely worth trying. And if you can get one that combines multiple skin-loving active ingredients? Well, that’s even better. Below, 10 supplements for dry skin....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 708 words · Maria Hausman

10 Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut 6 Ways To Support It

That’s because your gut influences everything from your digestion to your brain and your immune system. That may look like obvious digestive support (think: gas, bloating, regularity) or some less obvious signs (suboptimal concentration, tiredness, and skin concerns). Luckily, there are a number of ways to check in with your body to see if you can optimize your gut health, plus expert-backed strategies to cope. Although everyone’s gut microbiome shares some similar characteristics, there are also vast differences....

January 22, 2023 · 7 min · 1290 words · Raymond Purnell

10 Signs Your Hormone Levels Aren T Normal

In all my years of personal and professional experience around female endocrine health, I’ve found that very few women know how to spot the signs of hormonal imbalance. After all, we’re often taught that pain and suffering are just a normal part of the female experience. Why would we think to question killer cramps or massive mood swings? Because those things are, in fact, not normal, inevitable aspects of womanhood....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 442 words · Jeannette Napier

10 Ways To Experience Childbirth As A Spiritual Journey

Culturally we’re wired to accept these fearful misconceptions about labor — TV shows and movies often portray childbirth as a horror show with women screaming in gut-wrenching pain. The key to reclaiming birth as a normal, natural, sacred part of life is to reconnect with your innate wisdom. Even when medical interventions are necessary for the safety of mom or baby, the sacred nature of birth can be preserved. Here are 10 practices to help you experience birth as a sacred journey: We are all the guardians of this sacred event....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 105 words · Gregory Morefield

10 Ways To Remind Yourself You Re Worth It

What I’ve found in my practice is that dissatisfaction with our personal and professional lives is typically tied to self-esteem. When we fail to appreciate ourselves, we accept being treated poorly at work or in relationships because we forget that we deserve better. Let go of toxic relationships. Sometimes we put too much energy into relationships that deserve it the least. If a friendship makes us anxious, perhaps we feel that we need to put more into it in order to get the sense of validation we seek....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 774 words · Brenda Campbell

12 Healthiest Candy Options Chocolate Gummies More

Super Dark Chocolate PB Cups, Justin’s (find in a store near you, here) Dark Chocolate Gems, Hu Kitchen ($13.95) Assorted Truffles, Alter Eco ($44.99 for a 60-count) Dark Chocolate Coconut Bars, Unreal ($32.99 for 6 bags) Dark Chocolate with Salted Caramel Cookie Bars, Little Secrets ($23.88 for a 12-count) Mint Chocolate Cookie Bites, Theo ($5.99) Gummy Bears, Lily’s ($2.78) Fruity gummies, Fruit-tella ($19.35) Sour beans, Yum Earth ($7.59) Sweet Fish, Smart Sweets ($19....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 86 words · Jared Lugo

150 Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend From Deep To Dirty

Relationship research tells us that self-disclosure is linked with increased intimacy and happier relationships—that is, when couples share more about their inner worlds, they feel closer and more connected to each other, and their relationship becomes strengthened as a result of it. Here are some ideas for what to talk about with your girlfriend or partner to spark interesting conversation, whether you’re looking for something deep, something dirty, or just something fun....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 158 words · Betty Session

21 Questions To Connect With Your Chakras

January 22, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Robert Slusher

3 Signs Your Job Is Not Aligned With Your Purpose

In short, I dreaded going into work each day. It felt like a monumental struggle to actually get myself to walk into the building, and I came home each day feeling exceptionally exhausted and drained. I tried to talk myself into liking my job, but it never worked. Why was was I feeling so dissatisfied and unfulfilled? While the notion of your “purpose” may seem kind of abstract, there are actually concrete ways of recognizing that your job may not be right....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 755 words · Laura Davis

4 Acupressure Points That Support Lung Health Immunity

In TCM, the lungs govern chi (our life force), which is crucial for all metabolic activities. Therefore, lung health determines our overall well-being. By strengthening the lung meridian, we speed up blood and chi circulation throughout the body, increasing immune cell activities1 necessary to support immune health. Energetically speaking, the lung meridian takes in the new, gets rid of the old, and relates to our ability to process grief. This year, grief has become an increasingly common experience in our society....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 290 words · Hannah Ebert

4 Steps To Start Using Healing Crystals For Manifestation

Today, crystals are infused in beauty products, displayed in homes and yoga studios, and crafted into beautiful jewelry because of their healing energy. From dedicated yogis to those who have never meditated a day in their life, more and more people are crossing over to the crystal side. I know that some people may think of crystals as being a bit woo-woo, but hear me out. As the co-founder of a healing crystal and jewelry shop, I’ve been studying and using crystals for 28 years and have had countless customers tell me how crystals completely shifted their energy....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 302 words · Douglas Mason

4 Things People Get Wrong About Attachment Styles In Adults

In attachment theory, there are four categories of attachment for adults: secure, avoidant, anxious, and anxious-avoidant. If our needs aren’t met in a relationship, we find ways of either not needing someone to fulfill them (avoidant) or the need for love becomes all-consuming (anxious). Some of us are a mix of the two (anxious-avoidants, also called disorganized), who fluctuate between building walls and being fiercely independent, and being overly concerned with our partners’ needs and doing anything to keep them close....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 680 words · Joan Hand

5 Prenatal Yoga Moves Every Mama To Be Should Try

Aside from nutrition, which is vital, we also need to move! And next to walking, yoga is the next best thing for a mother-to-be. As a mother of three beautiful children, and a prenatal yoga teacher trainer, I can definitely say that the pregnant body deserves a little extra TLC. When your body is expanding and preparing for the most amazing process the human body can endure, here are my five must-have prenatal moves for expectant mothers....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 803 words · Dudley Garcia

5 Reasons You May Have Bumpy Skin How To Get Rid Of It

See, bumpy skin can happen for a load of reasons, and identifying the types of bumps you have is a downright crucial step—treat a cluster of bumps the wrong way, and you may face even more mounds than before. This type of acne can crop up anywhere you have pores, but Rodney says they tend to appear on the forehead, chin, and nose (where people tend to accrue the most oil), as well as the chest, back, or shoulders....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 79 words · Gregory Whelton

6 Health Benefits Of Lycopene Sources Of The Antioxidant

Lycopene can be found in fresh or canned fruits and vegetables, as well as snacks that have been sun-dried—though it’s worth noting any food that has had its skin and/or seeds removed will contain less lycopene. Thermal inputs (heat) used to process tomatoes into tomato products actually increases the bioavailability of lycopene. Additionally, eating some fat with or around the time of your lycopene consumption is a win win, since this carotenoid is intrinsically lipid soluble....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 522 words · Mary Thompson

6 Nontoxic Eco Friendly Sheets

That means avoiding sheets labeled “wrinkle-free,” “easy care,” or “permanent press,” since they were likely treated with formaldehyde resin—a known carcinogen. Instead, look for 100 percent organic options, especially if you’re going the cotton route since cotton only covers 2.4 percent of the world’s farmland, but it accounts for 24 percent of the global sales of insecticide and 11 percent of pesticides sales. But don’t take claims at face value: Even if a company says its fabric is organic, the claim doesn’t hold much weight unless it’s backed up by a trustworthy label....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 286 words · James Latney

6 Reasons To Add Bone Broth To Your Diet For Weight Loss

Over time, I found that while some of my clients could handle fasts with ease, many others couldn’t. They hot hungry and shaky, they started having headaches, or they couldn’t focus at work–so they give up. While I knew my patients could lose weight over time without fasting, I also knew that it was a great way to see results quickly. And then it hit me: bone broth. Here’s exactly how bone broth can help with weight loss: Chronic inflammation can lead to biochemical changes that can make you put on weight....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 338 words · Dustin Rivers

6 Things To Know When You Re Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

First, know this: All your feelings are valid—and completely normal. It’s overwhelming to find out that you have a chronic illness such as Type 2 diabetes. And it can make you feel as if you don’t have much control over your health and life right now. We get it. The very empowering silver lining is, there are a number of things you can do–from monitoring your glucose levels with the most accurate tools to tweaking your diet without depriving yourself–to make this journey more manageable....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 444 words · James Adams

8 Benefits Of Lavender How To Safely Use Lavender Oil

The oil is extracted by a steam distillation process, in which the flowers are steamed, the steam is captured, and the oil is separated and collected from the water. You can usually find lavender oil at health food stores, or even drugstores, located near the other essential oils. It can even be used as a natural alternative for healing pesky bug bites—when mixed with a little baking soda and applied to the bites, you’ll hardly even notice they’re there....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 429 words · Ella Palumbo