Third-Eye Chakra: I am wise. Throat Chakra: I am learning, and I am growing. We are all learning and growing. Heart Chakra: I love and appreciate myself as I am. Solar Plexus Chakra: I accept myself completely. I accept that I have strengths, and I accept that I have weaknesses. Sacral Chakra: I am both sensitive and strong. Root Chakra: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am. Third-Eye Chakra: I am a wise decision-maker. Throat Chakra: I am filled with the power of spirit. Heart Chakra: I am filled with courage. Solar Plexus Chakra: I accept that I am learning and growing. Sacral Chakra: I am balanced. I know when to act, and I know when to wait. Root Chakra: I am disciplined. Chakra balancing is a very important tool for tapping into your most authentic self. Experience the power, confidence, and strength that comes from balancing and aligning all of your chakras—and see what happens!

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