We’re certainly not alone: In a new normal where most interactions occur on a virtual, two-dimensional plane, scrutinizing one’s appearance seems to be all the rage. Terms like “acne” and “hair loss” have skyrocketed to the top of Google search trends, mostly due to the aftermath of pandemic stress, but a peer-reviewed article in the journal Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine proposes that people are also hypercritical of their appearance during this time—as their so-called faults are splayed on-screen.  For Nunez, it’s all about thought patterns. According to a recent research, the average person has over 6,000 thoughts per day1. “We’re constantly thinking,” she says. Plus, she notes, a substantial portion of those thoughts tend to run negative: “Sometimes instead of focusing on the meeting, you’re actually doing self-talk, focusing on yourself and identifying all the negative things that are wrong with you,” she notes. This, notes the journal article, can not only sabotage mental health but can also “[lead] people to rush to their physicians for treatments they may not have considered before months confronting a video screen, a new phenomenon of ‘Zoom Dysmorphia.’” Board-certified dermatologist Jeanine Downie, M.D., tells me she’s certainly seen an uptick in requests for in-office procedures. She even discussed the very topic on the Today Show, revealing an increase in patients’ concerns over frown lines, dark spots, wrinkles, and acne.  But here’s the thing about “Zoom Dysmorphia”: What you see on-camera is oftentimes a distorted version of yourself (hence, dysmorphia). “The lighting, the angle of the camera, and the pixelation really does give you dysmorphia of what you actually look like,” notes Nunez. Essentially, the webcam doesn’t do you justice. In fact, research shows that snapshots captured with shorter focal lengths (like, on video calls), can make faces look more rounded, with facial traits closer to the camera perceived seemingly larger2.  Of course, there are filters like the “Touch Up My Appearance” option on Zoom. Although, both Nunez and Mancao believe effects like these are Band-Aids on a larger situation. “It’s a double-edged sword,” notes Mancao. “If people put [the filter] on, they might be happier with the way they look on Zoom. The issue is, though, when Zoom turns off and that’s not how you really look.” The flipside of the “Zoom Dysmorphia” coin, if you will.  As for Mancao’s verdict, she urges those to remember that while appearance is objective, your perception of it changes over time. “Body image can change,” she notes. Remind yourself of what is real and what becomes distorted as soon as you click Join Call.

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