Think of financial wellness like preventive medicine. Preventive medicine involves practicing healthy behaviors now to prevent disease in the future. When you begin exercising, eating a more balanced diet, getting better sleep, etc., not only are you setting yourself up for a longer, healthier life, but you also start to feel better in the present. The same goes for financial planning. By implementing even a few budgeting and saving tips now, you’re creating a stable foundation for the future—plus you can expect immediate positive changes in your day-to-day life. Scheduling a free consultation with one of Facet Wealth’s CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals is a great first step in your financial wellness journey. As a special offer, Facet Wealth is extending mbg readers two months free off their first year of financial planning.* To learn more about Facet Wealth and their personalized financial planning services, follow them on social. It’s time we shift the way we think about money—and today is the perfect day to start! *Terms apply. Ryan is passionate about holistic health, fitness, and spiritually-centered living. She loves using her knowledge and personal experience to help others improve their well-being. When she’s not working or studying, Ryan can be found traveling to new places, snuggling her dog, or experimenting with gluten free, vegan baking.