This type makes up just 2% of the population, and Nardi notes that INTJs are twice as likely to be men as women.  These people are often intelligent and discerning as well, pulling from their intuition (N) trait. “Intuition is information gathering from a broader, more ‘big picture’ perspective, making links between patterns that may not be as easily seen from the specific in-the-moment view,” clinical psychologist Kristina Hallett, Ph.D., ABPP, previously told mbg. Overall, INTJs tend to be quiet, objective, and logical while having a creative and abstract flair. “In the initial steps, they tend to overthink and fumble opportunities, but they loosen up after that,” he adds. They’re not ones for clingy partners, or even flattery, with their own criteria for whom to date and how to behave in relationships. “They tend to focus on having clear morals and ethics and hold themselves to high standards, but they can also be selfish about their own time and needs, especially when stressed,” Nardi says. Being independent, they like their alone time (and lots of it), with a social battery that can get low quite quickly. Nardi also notes they’re not always the best listeners—that is, unless you have something new to teach them or a problem they can solve. They can be aloof and accidentally insulting at times, not giving much attention to others’ emotions—or their own. And Nardi says, you should “definitely not assume they can read your thoughts, much less your emotions.” Overall, they want a job that keeps things fresh and exciting, without too much repetition—or micromanagement. “They should run from any job that lacks opportunities for innovation and advancement,” Nardi says. In addition to that, it’s important these people are clear on what’s important to them and filter out the rest. “Develop an overarching, business-like approach to your practical affairs so that money, housing, travel, and other daily issues serve you and those you care about rather than being nagging issues that come and go,” Nardi suggests. And because INTJs can have a hard time relaxing, they need regular practices to de-stress, get perspective, and get in touch with their emotions and intuition, he notes. 

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