Here’s how it’s done: First and foremost, always practice Nauli on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom. Do not eat or drink anything, even water, beforehand as it will make the motion uncomfortable. There are five steps of the Nauli Kriya. It’s best to practice each one repeatedly before going on to the next if you’re a beginner. This ensures you will be able to do the full technique correctly.  If you need a visual to guide you through these steps, this video is a good introduction to the practice. While some of the benefits claimed of Nauli are not yet scientifically proven, many practitioners nonetheless enjoy this challenging and advanced purification technique. If Nauli isn’t right for you, another rewarding and more accessible yogic cleansing practice is Ujjai breathwork, and if you’re looking for something a little calmer, this timed breathwork routine is perfect.  

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