But when your mitochondria crash, so does your ATP production1. Translation: Goodbye, energy and hello fatigue. “When mitochondria falter, cells lose power2, just as a flashlight dims when its batteries weaken,” says Charles W. Schmidt, M.S. Mitochondrial dysfunction creates fatigue3, but it also contributes to almost every chronic disease4. The bad news is that our mitochondria start operating less optimally as we age4. At the same time, many things we are exposed to daily—including environmental toxins, pesticide-loaded conventional foods, and drinking water that can sometimes carry unsafe levels of toxic chemicals—are also a hit to your mitochondria. While chronic inflammation and oxidative stress can compromise mitochondrial function, there’s plenty you can do from supplements to diet and lifestyle. A few caveats. We call these supplements for a reason: They should supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle. You’ll likely get less-than-stellar results if you use these nutrients without the other factors I’ve described here. Quality matters too. If you’re buying poorly absorbable or otherwise-inferior supplements, then you’re wasting money. Always buy professional-quality supplements and read labels carefully for artificial sweeteners and other problem ingredients! As for dosage, I’ve provided ideal amounts of most supplements based on studies, although individual results vary. Some of these nutrients work synergistically, so you might find them combined in certain supplements. Overall, I highly recommend working with a qualified health care professional to optimize doses and determine the best supplements for your condition. When working with a practitioner, your presentation (or even better, specific testing) may cause him or her to suggest that you try any of the following: That’s because CoQ10 serves as a cofactor to help synthesize ATP8. Researchers find CoQ10 deficiencies in chronic diseases including heart disease9, and (as with most nutrients here) levels naturally decline with age9. Conversely, supplementing can positively support mitochondrial function9. As a powerful antioxidant, CoQ10 can also combat inflammation. To support energy levels, you can use anywhere from 30 to 200 mg of CoQ10 daily8. Always take CoQ10 supplements with a meal containing fat. Supplementing with NR can optimize NAD+ to support your mitochondria and ATP levels. One recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial found regularly supplementing with 500 mg of NR twice daily effectively stimulates NAD+ metabolism in healthy middle-aged and older adults11. Magnesium also helps manage stress levels and optimizes sleep12, further supporting healthy energy levels. You’ll find several types of magnesium supplements. I recommend magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate. Start with 200 mg and gradually increase. Take it before bedtime for a calming effect. One study found deficiencies in B6 can increase oxidative stress13 while supplementing can support levels of your master antioxidant glutathione. B vitamins work as a team, and all eight are essential for promoting physical performance and brain function14. Even if you’re eating an optimal diet, supplementing with a B complex could support energy levels. Because B vitamins are water-soluble, your body will use what it needs and excrete the rest. L-carnitine can also help remove the toxic compounds15 that occur when your mitochondria generate ATP. Short-term animal studies show even with caloric restriction (that can crash your energy levels), L-carnitine supplementation can enhance performance capabilities16. (Bonus: L-carnitine can also help you lose weight17.) Your body synthesizes L-carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine, and some foods (especially red meat) contain carnitine. Certain conditions can inhibit synthesis, making L-carnitine a conditionally essential nutrient.15 To optimize energy levels, I recommend starting with 1 to 2 grams (in divided doses) in the morning and gradually increase until you notice a difference. Sprinkle organic turmeric onto your food, but to get therapeutic doses of curcumin you’ll need to supplement. Unfortunately, most curcumin supplements are poorly absorbed. Look for a curcumin supplement that also contains black pepper, which research shows can increase bioavailability by 2,000 percent18. To further enhance absorbability, take curcumin supplements with a fat-soluble meal. Among its therapeutic roles, supplementing can help manage various conditions1 including chronic fatigue syndrome. D-ribose also supports athletic performance by managing exercise-related symptoms1 like cramping, pain, and stiffness. Try 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of D-ribose powder around your workout. Gradually increase until you feel more energy. All of these benefits make NAC a great supplement to support your mitochondria and optimize energy levels. “The key role of NAC is to increase intracellular glutathione, which is then pumped into the mitochondria,” says Pizzorno. “This glutathione is critical for protection of mitochondria from oxidative damage21.” NAC comes in capsules or powder. I recommend 500 to 600 mg twice daily. Lipoic acid can also help recycle other antioxidants including glutathione. Researchers have studied its benefits on a wide variety of conditions22. Your body makes some lipoic acid, and very few foods contain it. Supplementing becomes ideal to get therapeutic amounts of this “antioxidant par excellence22.” I recommend 100 mg two or three times daily. Other research shows that BCAAs can promote resistance to fatigue27 and (for glycogen-depleted people, such as those on a ketogenic diet) utilize fat for fuel. You’ll need to use a powder that contains about 5 grams of BCAAs to get therapeutic amounts. Most of them taste terrible or contain nasty ingredients like artificial sweeteners. Read your labels carefully! “Resveratrol promotes mitochondrial ATP production, protects from ROS, up-regulates sirtuin 1, and so forth,” says Pizzorno. “Human studies are now confirming animal studies showing enhanced mitochondrial [function]21 at surprisingly reasonable dosages.” While most studies focus on creatine monohydrate, other forms of creatine are available in powder or capsule forms. Research shows you need 20 to 30 grams of creatine30 to get those benefits, but I strongly suggest starting with 5 grams. Better yet, be wary about this popular ergonomic supplement. While some organizations like the International Society of Sports Nutrition argue creatine “as a nutritional supplement within established guidelines is safe, effective, and ethical31,” other researchers feel concerned about long-term use of this supplement32.  Among those mitochondria-supporting foods should be: Just as importantly: Avoid the foods that impair your mitochondria and sabotage your energy. These include grains, processed foods, and foods that we commonly develop sensitivities to like soy and corn. I recommend keeping a food journal to track your energy levels. That way, you can pinpoint specific foods that boost or zap your energy. Low energy levels can sabotage nearly every area of your life, including work productivity, sleep, and ability to manage stress levels. A healthy diet combined with good sleep, managing stress, and other lifestyle factors I’ve discussed here can provide a solid foundation to optimize your mitochondria, minimize fatigue, and create vibrant energy that keeps you healthy, happy, and productive. While I’ve addressed many energy thieves, fatigue can sometimes be a multifaceted problem that requires an individualized approach addressed by a healthcare practitioner. At its worst, low energy levels and constantly feeling lethargic can indicate illness or disease. If you’re doing everything correctly yet struggle with steady, sustained energy levels, confer with a professional.

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