Amid the trendy branding, influencer campaigns, and ever-evolving opinions on nutrition out there, what should be considered the single most foundational supplement for supporting our health and vitality has somehow become pretty darn complicated.  The sea of options out there these days is nothing short of overwhelming—but don’t let the decision fatigue stop you from making a multi a daily habit, which really is a worthwhile investment in your health.* When taken consistently, a good multivitamin can help you lower your risk of nutrient deficiencies2—as well as provide a daily dose of nutrients and phytonutrients that promote everything from immune and brain function to heart and bone health.* But what does a “good” multivitamin really look like? Here are our top picks. Plus, save 10% on your first order with promo code MBG10. Our team ensures that each supplement product is thoughtfully formulated–from the active ingredients to those “Other ingredient” excipients too. We are highly preferential towards clean formulas that are plant-centric (and oftentimes vegan or vegetarian) as well as free of GMOs, gluten, soy, dairy, major food allergens, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, synthetic dyes, and more. We recommended multivitamins with clean ingredients at efficacious doses in bioactive forms. Whenever possible, we celebrate and elevate plant-origin (i.e., plant-sourced) ingredients from a variety of botanicals. Ingredient source and innovation are top of mind for our critical reviews and selection of supplement products. We prioritize forward-thinking formulations and delivery formats that are genuinely helpful in transforming your health. We include supplement brands and products that prioritize quality. This includes robust manufacturing practices and comprehensive purity and potency testing. You can learn more about mindbodygreen supplements+ manufacturing and quality testing practices here. The following factors are top-priority, according to mbg’s vice president of scientific affairs Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN: Beware of products that feature cryptic blends of ingredients, whether “proprietary” or not, instead of calling out the specific amounts of each ingredient. You might also want to consider a multivitamin specifically formulated with doses of actives that are relevant to certain dietary patterns (think vegan) or life stages (like the pre- and postnatal period). Pre- and postnatal multis, for example, should feature more iron, vitamin D, calcium, and B vitamins than the standard multi (and may also feature choline, omega-3 DHA, etc.) A few things to look for on that ingredient list: methylated B vitamins, vitamin D3 (instead of D2), and chelated minerals (these bound to a chelating agent, like an amino acid, to improve absorption).* Trustworthy brands are also transparent about the manufacturing and testing they use to ensure the purity and potency of their multivitamin ingredients and overall finished product. A few big names to look out for: phytonutrients (think lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, resveratrol), herbs (like ashwagandha), or master antioxidants (such as glutathione or CoQ10).  PSA: While some multivitamins include a fruit and veggie blend, it’s typically such a minuscule amount that it doesn’t contribute much value. We prefer a stand-alone powerhouse greens powder where you can scoop a meaningful dose. This means no major food allergens (like gluten, dairy, or soy), unnecessary additives, or synthetic dyes, flavors, or colors. Just a few that have been backed by research? Immune function3; longevity4; brain health5; healthy skin, hair, and nails; eye health6; and more.* Plus, formulas that include antioxidants and other extra botanical bioactives can offer extra perks for a number of areas of health and longevity.* It’s always a good idea to talk to a dietitian or health care provider about your supplement routine; this list is a good place to start when hunting for the best multi for you.

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