What’s left? you might wonder (I certainly did). A lot of vegetables, some nut milks and nuts, and certain types of cold-water, wild-caught ocean fish—in addition to pasture-raised game like elk and venison. While I heeded her warnings, I was intrigued by other people’s positive results—enough to give the diet a try. It was only 21 days, I figured. How bad could it be? What I learned: Coffee gives me brain fog and makes me a bit nutty (so, I limit it to once a week or a special occasion), kombucha also gives me serious headaches (bummer), eggs make me feel great (thank god!), and sugar makes me crash faster than it ever did before. If you want to try a mini cleanse, here are my favorite three recipes serving as “a day in the life of you on a three-week cleanse,” and yes, chocolate is included: Blend and enjoy! I also topped it with coconut yogurt and more tahini and coconut flakes. Place halibut on tortillas. Top with radish, avocado, beets, and dill, and eat immediately. Blend and enjoy! Even if you’re not cleansing, be sure to avoid these 10 so-called healthy foods that are actually causing a lot of inflammation.

The Clean Program  What It Is   What It s Like To Try It - 17The Clean Program  What It Is   What It s Like To Try It - 59The Clean Program  What It Is   What It s Like To Try It - 92