I recently went through my closet like a madwoman. I kept only what I really loved or needed, clearing the rest out. In the end, I got rid of at least 75 percent of my stuff. I felt relieved, oddly cleansed, and free…and a bit chagrined for collecting so much stuff in the first place. Clutter is muddling. Like multitasking, it requires our attention, taking up precious space and energy in our brains. We become less focused and efficient and experience more stress. Here are five simple ways to deal with clutter in your home and workplace and to reduce stress. Tackle them one at a time or all at once; it’s up to you: With these tips, you should regain your time, energy, and peace of mind. Can clutter ever be a good thing? This feng shui expert says yes, which bodes well for our senior wellness editor, who recently confessed her decluttering regrets.

The Scientific Reason Why Clutter Stresses You Out - 76The Scientific Reason Why Clutter Stresses You Out - 70The Scientific Reason Why Clutter Stresses You Out - 74