To do so, they analyzed stool and blood samples from Tibetan Buddhist monks and compared them to controls who did not meditate. These monks were avid meditators and also did not take anything that would alter their guts like antibiotics, antifungals, or probiotics. Compared to the control group, the monks had more of the good bacteria strains that are associated with positive mental health, like Prevotella, Bacteroidetes, Megamonas, and Faecalibacterium species. The findings also indicated that anti-inflammatory pathways and metabolic health were stronger in the meditation group. The blood samples also revealed that the monks had “significantly lower” levels of agents like cholesterol and apolipoprotein B, which are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease risk. As the study authors write in their research, “The microbiota enriched in monks was associated with a reduced risk of anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease and could enhance immune function. Overall, these results suggest that meditation plays a positive role in psychosomatic conditions and well-being.” Along with picking up a meditation practice, some other ways to support optimal gut health include eating a wider variety of nutrient-dense foods—particularly fermented ones—and getting enough sleep and exercise. And of course, giving your biome a beneficial bacteria boost by prioritizing probiotics is always a good idea. If you don’t know where to start, check out our favorite probiotic supplements here.

Want Better Gut Health  New Research Says Try Meditation - 34Want Better Gut Health  New Research Says Try Meditation - 76Want Better Gut Health  New Research Says Try Meditation - 86Want Better Gut Health  New Research Says Try Meditation - 57