Alas, patience is NOT a virtue for those with Venus in Aries. You want to know NOW: Are you into me or not? A lover who drags out the courtship process will likely get a taste of your extreme ghosting powers. They may cry with a clairvoyant or burn a Love Drawing candle, but it’s unlikely you’ll return. Nope, you’ll be off with an adventurous playmate exploring new positions and locations. While your book of love may be filled with steamy and half-finished chapters, at least it won’t be boring! Just try not to write people off SO quickly that they don’t have a fair shake. Venus is “in detriment” in Aries, which is a somewhat challenging position because Aries is opposite the sign, Libra, that the love planet rules. As such, you may have to sift through a few more twists and turns than most before you figure out Cupid’s formula for success. In bed—or wherever you set the scene for your romps, which could be daringly public!—you love to be admired. Some Venus in Aries people are full-on exhibitionists. You might install mirrors on the ceiling or, with consenting partners, build up a private video collection of your greatest moves. This liberated (and sometimes fickle) Venus sign might even make it hard for you to attach to one partner. For best results, allow yourself to experience the full-on bachelor(ette) lifestyle before you settle down. Easy does it with the double standards, though! While you may require room to roam—or at least, let your eyes rove—you want a mate who is obsessively into you. Jealousy can be a troubling issue in your relationships. Cuddling is foreplay for your sensual sign, and you are especially gifted at the art of touch. Giving massages is one of your specialties—and you probably spend a pretty penny on sessions with bodyworkers yourself. For Venus in Taurus people, being relaxed is the key to being receptive to love. If you’re in a relationship, it might be wise to stop by the gym (and use the sauna!) on your way home from work, so you can burn off the stress of the day before coming home to bae. A sexy raconteur, you keep your “targets” spellbound with witty banter, fascinating stories, and even a few head games. The pickup artists have a technique they call, “neg-ing,” where you teasingly insult the person you’re attracted to. While moves like these can be manipulative, you know how to keep an attraction dynamic by interrupting lazy habits that can dull the sexual tension. Gemini rules the hands, so whether you’re furiously typing messages to bae or enjoying some manual stimulation, you bring new meaning to “digital dating.” And Tinder was practically made for Venus-in-Gemini people, even if you’re just scanning profiles “for the fun of it.” When you inevitably do find “The One,” you’ll take care of them in every way possible. Blankets and pillows on the couch? Check. Cookies and milk for a snack while dinner slow roasts in the oven? Check. Endless hugs, cuddles, kisses, and devoted affection? Yup, that too. Nesting with your S.O. can be pure paradise, whether you’re building a family or your dream home (or both). You’re a wildcat in the streets AND in the sheets, scratching, nipping, and pulling your lover’s mane. Your bedroom may look like a high-end bordello, complete with all the accoutrements needed to put on a show or even make a few home videos. But if there’s one thing you cannot abide by, it’s being ignored! Venus-in-Leo people need to be worshipped and adored. A roaming eye or an ambivalent heart are deal breakers. Your mate must be vocal in their appreciation of how gorgeous and special you are—and, during the courtship phase, quick to reach for the check after a lavish dinner (to which they arrived with an armful of roses, a handwritten card, or some other token of affection). And lucky for them since your charismatic and generous Venus sign gives as good as you get. You’re a natural earner who loves to spoil the people in your den, from your mate to your cubs. Along your romantic flight path, you may fall for a few wounded birds, especially if their keen intellect appeals to your “sapiosexual” love of a beautiful mind. Alas, these romantic rescue missions can throw you off your game for months, even years! Once you recover, you’ll never go back; in fact, with the sign of the Virgin ruling your love jones, you can maintain long bouts of celibacy between partners. When you find someone who meets your standards, you’re a generous and sensual lover who intuitively understands the kinesthetic realm of touch and movement. Great hygiene and grooming are also musts for your germ-conscious Venus sign. Your “doctor’s bag” will likely contain a pouch with organic breath spray and chemical-free condoms or dental dams. With your finely tuned sense of balance, you easily sense when a partnership is out of sync, and you’ll quickly adjust. The only pitfall of this gift is that you can be SO focused on creating harmony that you sweep important issues under the rug. Cooperating, compromising and co-creating? No problem! With your peacekeeping ethos, you’d rather avoid the unpleasantness of a conflict at all costs. But this can actually be detrimental to intimacy. Learning to “diplomatically disagree” and even differentiate from your partner is what will keep things hot in the couple bubble for years to come. Venus is “in detriment” in Scorpio, which is a somewhat challenging position because it falls opposite to Taurus, the sign that the love planet rules. As such, you may have to sift through a few more twists and turns than most before you master Cupid’s game. While you search for your “twin flame,” you’re sure to have your share of wild and dramatic affairs, some that would make a sex worker blush! Although you tend to be “all or nothing” when it comes to commitment, erotic encounters are a different story. Your libido has a mind of its own—especially in a darkened bar, hot tub (or any body of water), or when you’re far from home and can maintain more of an anonymous profile. A powerful attraction can literally overtake your common sense, and you can get lost in a heady space during sex. Your secrets may stay locked in the vault forever, not even to be shared with your Sex and the City brunch crew…which might be for the best. Warning: With Venus in this playing-for-keeps position, you may be guilty of trying to turn a hookup into a husband (or wife), projecting soul mate qualities onto someone you’ve only just met. But when you feel deeply connected to a partner, you will give and share everything you have. Scorpio is the sign of joint ventures and merging resources, so expect a magical melding of bank accounts and living spaces. When you feel hurt or rejected, you may come across as withholding and even downright cold—and the loss of a relationship can devastate you more than most. Hell hath no fury like a Venus in Scorpio who has been cheated on! Pro tip: Skip the revenge fantasies and let karma handle it. (Just watch Lemonade on repeat for catharsis.) Ultimately, you’ll rise, like the phoenix that represents the highest vibration of Scorpio, and continue your quest for a spiritually aligned partner. Single years will certainly be storied for Venus-in-Sagittarius people, with a few tales that could make a sex worker blush. With the worldly sign directing your love jones, you’ll have a diverse portfolio of dates and mates. You might even prefer to date cross-culturally. Regardless, your ideal mate will have a global sensibility, and you’ll enjoy traveling together at every opportunity. Laughter is the key to your heart. A killer sense of humor is more likely to win you over than dashing good looks. What you cannot tolerate, however, is feeling restricted or possessed. A relationship of two whole individuals is your ideal, not losing your identity in some claustrophobic couple bubble. Some Venus-in Sagittarius-people might be comfortable in a polyamorous arrangement or a relationship that is open under certain circumstances—e.g., hooking up while traveling solo or kissing other people but not removing clothes. The right partner for you understands that you have a deep need for freedom, which might simply mean giving each other space to explore independent hobbies and intellectual curiosities. At times, you may strike others as austere, reserved…even cold! But that’s only because you’re deeply private with your emotions—and you need to know that people are dependable and wise before you’ll share your vulnerability. Experimental Aquarius can make you a fun one in bed. You’re always willing to try a new gadget, toy, even a rotating cast of partners and “extras.” Single days are not lonely days for you, whether you’re burning up the dating apps or enjoying the virtual turn-on of erotica (or both). Jealousy is a pretty foreign concept for Venus in Aquarius. Alas, that levelheaded approach might dull the sparks with a more passionate person. Although you run cooler, you must be careful not to minimize your partner’s feelings. Learning about neuroscience and its effect on human emotions can give you a template for empathy. Venus is “exalted” in Pisces, meaning this is its most potent placement in the zodiac. Lucky you! Just use those powers judiciously because you don’t always realize when you’re flirting, even leading people on. With water sign Pisces directing your loving feelings, you could feel your friskiest at the beach or in a tub. Skinny dipping is your idea of foreplay. But try not to declare your undying love too quickly. Since Pisces is symbolized by two Fish swimming in opposite directions, attractions may run hot and cold. One minute you’re worshipping at the altar of your mate, the next you’re gasping for air…and even pulling a “slippery fish” disappearing act! For some Venus in Pisces people, commitment issues may play out in sneaky ways, luring you toward neglectful or narcissistic partners, even “rescue missions.” This compassionate Venus vibe could spill over into codependency with people who are deeply troubled or dealing with addictions. The right (healthy!) partner for you will support your need for space, being affectionate…but never smothering. Do your part to NOT trigger their abandonment issues by going MIA.

What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Romantic Attractions - 18What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Romantic Attractions - 73What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Romantic Attractions - 2What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Romantic Attractions - 81What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Romantic Attractions - 77